The Reign of Christ | John 18 Christ the King | Rev. Jan Phillips
This Sunday is Christ The King Sunday, or as it is also known, Reign of Christ Sunday—pretty exciting, right? In fact, I find it interesting that we begin and end the Christian year with a focus on Jesus as King. It is a historic day in the Christian liturgical calendar that teaches us about the nature of the Kingdom of God, the purpose for the Incarnation — God becoming flesh for us, and the glorious fact that Jesus is already King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:6). This celebration day comes right before the beginning of Advent, and the Scripture passage comes from the Gospel of John chapter 18 where Jesus and Pilate have an interesting conversation about the nature of God’s kingdom and who God is. Here’s the thing for us, how we think about God as Christ the King and what we believe about the Kingdom matters. As Marcus J. Borg notes, “our concept of God can make God seem real or unreal, just as it can also make God seem remote or near.” On Sunday we will delve into some of these realness and nearness questions of Christ as our King. For indeed, Christ has instituted His reign and is breaking through all around us, and yet, God’s Kingdom has not fully come to completion. This is the “already” excitement and the “not yet” promise we live into as Christ the King celebrants! So, don your party clothes (and sparkly shoes) as we learn God’s Word together and celebrate the end of the Christian Church year!