Your Good Sermon | Words for the Beginning | Rev. Amy Beth Coleman
December 15, 2024

Your Good Sermon | Words for the Beginning | Rev. Amy Beth Coleman

We preachers talk a lot about doing and serving – in the church and in the world. Part of our United Methodist Church membership vows include a question about service: “As a member of this congregation, will you faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness?” That is a lot to DO! A frustration I hear among church folk is a not knowing how to serve; either they are not fully aware of the many options, or not familiar with their own gifts for ministry. I get that. Sometimes I wonder if more people might be willing serve if they knew more about the variety of ways they can be in ministry. Every single person is gifted with a set of skills, or talents. Those skills or talents may be unused, unformed, or unnoticed, because we aren’t always great at identifying these gifts or skills for ourselves. Worse, we may think that what we have to offer isn’t much or won’t matter. But everyone has experiences and a story unique to them. God uses all of it – our gifts and our story – to share God’s love and grace. This Sunday we will talk about serving in the way that only YOU can serve. As Dr. Seuss said, “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” There is a need, a spot to fill, a place for each of YOU, and only YOU can serve there. This Sunday, with John the Baptizer, we learn about those spaces and places, and the good that is uniquely ours to do. You won’t want to miss hanging out with wild and woolly John the Baptizer on this third Sunday of Advent. Come and worship, you brood of vipers! Grace and Peace, Pastor Amy Beth

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