Christmas at Calvary

Calvary UMC

That Christmas Feeling!

On Thursday, December 24th, Calvary will have two Christmas Eve service options available. One Facebook Live service at 4pm on our Facebook page, and the other option is the same online service but available all day beginning at noon on Youtube.

4 PM Facebook Live Watch Service

One of the online Christmas Eve services Calvary is providing this year is a Facebook Live watch party at 4PM. We understand that there is a deep desire to be in community with one another on Christmas, and that is why we are providing a time where everyone can watch the online service together as a community. We encourage everyone to comment and reply to one another as a sign of community and fellowship.

Online Service Available at Noon

Calvary is excited to be offering an online Christmas Eve service. The YouTube online service will be available on Christmas Eve beginning at noon. The service will contain carols, Holy Communion, candle lighting, a message, and a collage of many of the families at Calvary. The service can be viewed here, on our website, or on our YouTube channel, linked below.


Christmas Eve Offering

This year Calvary will be donating the first $2,000 of the Christmas Eve offering to go to the United Methodist Committee on Relief, or UMCOR.

UMCOR is a global humanitarian aid and development organization of the United Methodist Church. 

  If you would like to give, you can do so by clicking here.


Calvary United Methodist Church
2315 S.
 Grant St.,
Arlington, VA 22202-2548 

Get Directions


Call: (703) 892-5185

Fax: (703) 892-0414

Office Hours

9 am-3 pm