
Calvary Has Ministry Opportunities for All Ages

Intergenerational Ministries

Mission Sunday

Every fourth Sunday of the month is Mission Sunday at Calvary UMC. This is an opportunity of people of all ages to engage in ministry to give back to the community. Our Mission Sunday often takes place in Harris Hall at 10am. No sign up or experience is necessary just come on by and get involved. 

Community Pancake Breakfast

The Calvary pancake breakfast has been a staple in the south Arlington community for decades. During most of the year (excluding the summer months) you can join Calvary on Saturdays from 8am to 10am to enjoy some breakfast staples and donate for a good cause. The pancake breakfast team is always looking for cooks, servers, and volunteers.    

Calvary Chancel Choir and Music Ministries

Our Calvary choir is open to singers and learners of all backgrounds. Our choir currently meets on Tuesdays in Memorial Hall at 7:30pm. Connect with Pastor Jan if you are interested in joining or learning more. 

SoleMates Walking Group

On Tuesday mornings at 8am join a Neighborhood walking group for some fellowship and exercise to start your morning. The solemates group begins and ends their walk at Calvary.  

Calvary Craft Club

On the first and third Monday of the month our Calvary Craft Club meets upstairs in classroom 3 at 7pm. All level of crafters are welcome and the club is always ready to teach newcomers.

Calvary Culture Club

Our Calvary Culture Club host trips to several museums and cultural spots in the area. Follow our newsletter announcements to hear about future trips.

Other Ministry Opportunities

Calvary 20s and 30s Young Adult Ministry (YAM)

Calvary’s Young Adult Ministry hosts several fellowship opportunities with a fellowship brunch every 1st Sunday at 12:15pm as well as get togethers in the area. Connect with Pastor Jan to join and get invited to the event WhatsApp group. 

Senior Fellowship Luncheon

On the third Wednesday of every month our seniors meet for a luncheon at 11:30am. Our hospitality team provide a lovely lunch and there is often a small worship opportunity as well. You can rsvp with the church office or show up day of. 

Youth Sunday Music Ministries

Calvary provides several youth music classes and worship opportunities on Sunday mornings. Classes for children and youth begin at 10:10am during the Fall and Spring.


Calvary United Methodist Church
2315 S.
 Grant St.,
Arlington, VA 22202-2548 

Get Directions


Call: (703) 892-5185

Fax: (703) 892-0414

Office Hours

9 am-3 pm