Active Member List
Missions, Fellowship, and Service (examples, not limited to)
- Appalachian Service Project
- ASPAN Homeless Outreach at Central UMC
- Chirilagua Backpack or Christmas Missions
- DC Homeless Mission Trip with Pastor Matthew
- Food Packaging Events at Calvary
- Helping with or participating in VAUMC (Virginia Conference) positions, church camps, or activities
- UMCOR Packages (ie: hygiene or cleaning or flood bucket kits)
- Operation COVID
- Angel Tree
- Bethany House cleanups
- Yard sale for missions
- Lemonade sale for missions (ie Nothing But Nets/Malaria campaign)
- Pancake breakfast (as a volunteer)
- Church softball team
- Youth conferences
- Youth activities (e.g. triple threat, elementary camp)
- Third Thursday Lunch
- Six for Supper
- Maundy Thursday
- Church workday/cleanup day
- Vacation Bible School
- Special Christmas, Holy Week, or Easter activities
- Support of worship services as an usher, lay reader, serve communion,
children’s sermons, acolyte, audio or live-stream assistant, choir, teach - Fall Bazaar
- Sunday School or help in the nursery
- Set up and clean up at church activities
- Coffee hour set up